Insight 7 February 2023


碳减排目标的不确定性给第27届缔约方会议蒙上了阴影, but the clock continues to tick, so reaching net zero should be a top priority for organisations.

脱碳计划的前期成本可能很难证明是合理的, especially in times of economic uncertainty. But the benefits of clean energy investments can be huge, providing greater energy security and cost savings, both in the short and long term.


这是英国政府承诺到2050年实现净零碳排放的一部分, funding has been made available to UK organisations, to the tune of nearly £5 billion.

脱碳拨款和清洁能源资助计划可以帮助减轻一些初始成本. However, 并非每个组织都能获得每一笔脱碳拨款或资助计划, 其中一些有条款,或者需要组织的投资来满足他们的标准.

这种复杂性不应该阻碍你获得实现净零目标所需的支持. 英国皇家商业澳博官方网站局(Crown Commercial Service)已经汇总了一份全面的脱碳补助和资助计划清单.

我们强调了由商务部管理的两个最重要的计划, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), to help you find the right approach for your organisation.

  1. Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (IETF)

IETF帮助工业场所减少碳排放并向净零排放迈进. The funding is allocated through a competitive process. 它支持最具变革性的节能和深度脱碳技术投资竞标.

This funding scheme allocates grants across three strands:

  • 可行性和工程研究——调查确定的能源效率和脱碳项目.
  • 能源效率-利用技术来减少工业能源消耗.
  • 深度脱碳——利用技术实现工业减排.

If your organisation operates in mining and quarrying, manufacturing, recovery and recycling of materials, or is a data centre, 你就有资格申请工业能源转型基金.

BEIS预计对申请的评估和授予过程需要7到8个月. Also, funded projects must be completed by 31 March 2025 so, before applying, consider how much time you can commit to the process.

2. Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS)

PSDS提供补助金,帮助公共部门机构实施能源效率措施和热脱碳. The scheme is open to public sector organisations in England, and areas of reserved public services across the UK.

该能源计划的第三阶段于2021年宣布,将提供1英镑.在2022-2023财政年度和2024-2025财政年度拨款4250亿英镑. 其目标是到2037年将公共部门建筑的排放量减少75%.

Mitie has helped clients unlock the value of the PSDS. 我们成功取得政府第3期拨款总额的16%, 在最新一轮3b阶段,我们为14家客户提交了2700万英镑的申请.

Essex County Council school solar project
Our specialist team helped Essex County Council secure solar panels at 15 schools across the county

The right support makes accessing decarbonisation schemes easier

无论你是在寻找商业太阳能电池板赠款还是其他脱碳资金, every scheme takes time to get the application right.

Also, 找出你的机构有资格参加哪些计划,并成功申请, can be a complicated process. 但是有像Mitie这样的专业合作伙伴在你身边会让这个过程更清晰、更简单.

Get the right support for your decarbonisation projects with Mitie

At Mitie, 我们有赢得工业能源转型资金的经验, delivering decarbonisation projects, and building strategic partnerships with clients in all industries.

Our specialist team helped Essex County Council 获得第二阶段PSDS资金,在全县15所学校安装屋顶太阳能电池板. The panels will generate 700,每年节省1000千瓦时的能源-节省180吨二氧化碳和大约115英镑,000 annually.

Get in touch 今天来看看你可以利用哪些脱碳补助和资助计划. And start the journey to securing that funding, improving energy efficiency in your organisation, and meeting your net zero goals.

For the latest information on funding rounds visit:
Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (IETF)
Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS)
Crown Commercial Service -以获取实时脱碳拨款和资助计划的全面清单.

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